Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Pink Pants

It's never a dull moment around here as Zoe is now officially in estrus, commonly known as "in heat".  I kept denying to myself that it wasn't too bad and I could live with her condition and within 2 days things got worse.  So, it was off to PetSmart to see if they had some "girl pants".

They have lots to choose from except try fitting them on a Bulldog; little butt, big chest and Zoe has no tail.  The pants have a hole in them where the tail goes and that helps them to stay in place, well forget that idea with her.

The pants have elastic that goes around the stomach and velcro on each side, so they are adjustable.  I chose LARGE as she now has blossomed to 50 pounds.

The first few days she wore them around the house like she was a princess.  Then she discovered that she didn't want to wear them over night and you could hear her "ripping" them off of herself when she pulled on the velcro tabs.

Thank goodness we are almost done with this mess I don't think  I can take another night of velcro rippng at 3AM.  Before she has this condition again it will be off to the vet to get spayed.

But, until then here's Zoe modelling her pink princess pants sitting in her new bed.

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