Monday, November 29, 2010

Big Girl Crate & Feeding Station

Sorry that I've left my blogging duties get behind, as I have been under the weather lately.  Speaking of the weather it is really winter here now as last night it got down to 28 degrees and we have had a slight dusting of snow.  Anyway, I weighed Zoe over the weekend and at 5 months old she now weighs 35 pounds.  I decided Zoe needed to graduate from the puppy crate to the big girl crate and she just loves extra large hotel room.  I have a crate pad on the bottom that has a removable fleece cover for easy washing; and a small cotton blanket on the top of that. 

Zoe has now graduated to using Elmo's feeding station that elevates the food and water bowls on a metal stand at shoulder height.  I am using velcro straps that I wind around the metal legs to anchor it to the butcher block table next to it so that it doesn't move around while she's eating.   Zoe was previously using a large set of yellow pages to elevate her doggie food bowl... this system is much more efficient and cleaner.  She's still using the ceramic puppy bowl so I'm just setting it inside the stainless steel one.

                                                Can you let me outta here!?!

1 comment:

  1. I have been sick all week too! Whatever is going around it sure does stick with you once you catch it! Zoe is getting big alright. I am glad she likes her big girl crate!
    I hear that it's better for bulldogs to have their food bowls elevated. Though it doesn't seem to prevent Ozzie from gulping it down in 20 seconds flat! Bon Appetit!
